Sunday, September 7, 2008

A good spending day

Sunday always ends up as one of my main spending/shopping days whether it be grocery shopping for the week, or other items. I didn't get the grocery shopping done but I did need to get some items from the drug store. On the way home from the gym I decided to duck into CVS to check their circular. Herbal Essence and Aussie products were $2.49 with the Extracare card and then a $1 Extrabucks on top for each. Sweet. I needed shampoo (well actually, conditioner) anyway so this wasn't a "buy what you don't need". I was happy and then I finished off the other things I needed from Duane Reade (where I had a $5 reward certificate) and it was a total of under $12. Not bad at all. Now I just need to try not to lose the Extrabucks certificate.

Going to be a not-great week though because I have nothing for lunch tomorrow so I'll have to buy and I'm going to be out a few evenings. Will do the best I can.

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