Sunday, November 2, 2008

Coupon feast or famine

I just purged my coupon file for all those expired at the end of October. We also happen to need toilet paper. I have one coupon -- a ridiculous Cotonelle one that is really only useful if you're buying enough tp for a college dorm. I've been to: KMart, Walgreens, CVS and Duane Reade--no one has any name-brand toilet paper on sale and it's one thing I refuse to buy generic.

I hate paying full price! 


Lori said...

Oh, I just did the same purge! And need TP too!

Thanks for linking me in your "Like Minded Folks"!

Living in NYC said...

Happy to, I quite enjoy your blog. You frequently save me for deals in places where I don't regularly go -- especially Rite Aid and CVS. Have a great day -- hope we both track down some TP!